Tuesday 21 October 2014

Capture the Moments using MeiPai

Posted by Jong Sze Chi B1200979

MeiPai ia a microvideo app which can capture moments in 10 seconds. Besides, it also provide editing tools for videos. You also can follow other people and watch their videos.

Images from Google play

After you capture your video, you can choose the MV you want. You can also change the words that appear in the video and you also can select the song which you want it to be in the video.

Furthermore, you can connect it to Facebook to share the videos that you have created. You also can like, comment and share your own videos or other people's videos.
The only cons is there will be some chinese words in the app as MeiPai belongs to a chinese app.

An example of video created by me using MeiPai

Reference: MeiPai and Download here

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