Wednesday 29 October 2014


Serena Kok Ee Ling

(Images from ITunes)

Pinterest is a web and mobile application company to find user’s inspiration and share it with others. Users use it to collect things they love, organize and plan important projects and more. According to the article, research published by Shareaholic stated that, Facebook still drives the most traffic, but Pinterest is a contender. I personally am an avid Pinterest user. I love that I am able to take inspirations from others and “Pin It” into a board for later reference. For example, in decorating my bedroom, I created a board “My Bedroom”, then I would browse though the content of others on the main page and if I like what I see, I will “Pin It” into the board. This board gives me the inspiration of what I want my bedroom to look like and for later reference when purchasing the decorations for the room.


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