Monday 3 November 2014

Skype| Instant messaging, Voice & Video call

Posted by Chong Sueanne B1200761

Skype is an app that allows you to instant messaging, voice and video calls for free. You can also buy credits to call to another person through phone number. Skype can creates groups for messaging, conference and voice calls. It is not necessary to Skype with wifi. It also works with cellular data. You also can send photos and files.

Skype logo

I used Skype to connect with my friends most of the time especially playing video games that requires teamwork because Skype can connect up to 25 people for voice calls. I also do use Skype for conference calls, but it is not my primary option because it is quite lag, so I will prefer to use another app for conference calls. Skype conference calls can connect up to 10 people. Overall, it is fine. It is free. Everyone likes free stuff right?


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