Monday 3 November 2014

Swarm| Checking-in

Posted by Chong Sueanne B1200761

Swarm is an app to keep track of where your friends are by checking-in. You will be able to know who is nearby whether your friends from your friend list checks in. You can also inform your friends about your plans and they will able to check you in too. You will be able to look back into the history of where you last been.

Swarm logo

There are more disadvantages than advantages. Example, you need transport to a location and you post it on Swarm and one of your friends is going to the same place could give you a lift too or 'if' you are kidnapped, your friends and family will know where is the last place you've been.


As the pictures above, you will know whoever is in your friend list where they are and they will know where you are that is if you check in with Swarm. It also can link to other social website like Facebook and Twitter. The dangers of checking in are people will know your routines. It is not just where you are, they will also know when you been there. So, if you constantly check in the same place and almost the same time, it will be easy to track your house or the place you usually go. People aren't your real friends can track you down. Accounts can be fake. So always be aware of the dangers of checking in.


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